got OIL?

Discover the benefits of doTERRA essential oils for everyday health and wellness. It could change your life!

*UPDATED* Got fat? | Get Grapefruit


*UPDATE*   I am down 11 pounds in 11 days!!!  I no longer crave soda (I’ll miss you Dr. Pepper), and I’m not hungry or craving food all the time.  (I was a total binge eater and seek comfort food.)  If you are interested in just trying out these oils as described below and don’t yet have a wholesale account you can purchase them by clicking HERE.  Be sure to check the ‘retail customer’ option at the top of the page, it will have you register to shop and then just go in and grab the oils you want to try!  It’s that easy! If you haven’t attended a class to discover the benefits of being a wholesale member yet and just want to get your hands on these three oils right away that’s the simplest way to do it.  So go grab your oils, and capsules (you can purchase them online as well), and get started!  What are you waiting for?!  I’m finally under 200 pounds again!!!  🙂  Yeah me!!!  Still seems fat to some, but I’m wittling away…..even had to get a belt for my pants. Happy Oiling!

*   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

So you wanna lose weight huh?  Who doesn’t?!  We’ve become a society that considers fast food it’s own food group.  Obesity is on the rise and it not only can wreak havoc on your wardrobe budget but it’s totally not healthy.  I not only want to lose weight to look better, but to feel better.  I know when I stop and think about my daily habits and things I do, they are hindered because of my weight.  I tire more easily when doing activities.  I definitely can’t run a marathon anymore (don’t know that I ever could truth be told! lol), I tend to sit cross legged and that used to be a LOT easier than it is now.  My knees will begin to hurt from the strain and if I’m on my feet for extended periods doing work (especially on concrete or hard floors) I have to wear my squishy (totally stylin’) crocs.  Otherwise my knees and my shins will be screaming at me all night to remind me of how overweight I really am and how I tortured them all day. 20140804-105948-39588721.jpg So what’s  girl to do that isn’t motivated to kick start a workout routine?  Sounds silly but I’d be more excited and open to exercising daily if I could do it more easily. And before you start with the lecturing of JUST DO IT!  You’re lazy!  If you want something you have to work at it!….. Yes, I know.  I’ve done the whole fitness junkie persona and my weight has yo-yo’d for years.  I used to be obsessed with exercising to the point it was a detriment to my health.  Seriously.  Three times a day.  Cardio, aerobics, walking, weights.  I did it all.  I lost over 50 pounds and was down to the smallest size I’ve ever been (even smaller than high school! Oh don’t we all wish we could go back to our girly figures?).  I swore I would never let food dominate my life again and I was never going to be fat again.  Ha!  Life has a way of changing your best made plans. So you know I understand your pain, here’s a brief run down:

  • High School – Size 9/10 – 115/120 pounds (Seriously looks awesome when you pull out those old pics! And I was considered a ‘big’ girl in school.  Sad that we warp young girl’s minds to what’s ‘normal’ or ‘pretty’.)
  • Early 20’s (before the first baby) – 125 pounds
  • Post baby number 1 – 150 pounds, and I lost about 10-15 of my baby weight and ended up around 135.
  • I quickly gained it back before baby number 2 – pregnancy started at 150.
  • Post baby number 2 – 175…. ouch!  But I was uber proud I didn’t come close to the 200 lb mark some of my friends were topping out at ! 😉
  • Then the best friend was going to get married.  I was determined not to be heavier than the bride.  Yeah, there’s a goal.  I began in February for a summer wedding in June.  I went overboard.  I lost 50 pounds in less than 4 months.  Between diet pills and shakes and overkill on my exercise routine I ended up anemic and surprisingly friends started telling me I was ‘too skinny’.   I considered them to just be jealous as I bottomed out at my lowest weight and was wearing a slim and trim size 8!!!  I was beyond thrilled.
  • Then life happened, highs and lows, and I gained EVERY POUND BACK.  And each one brought a buddy along.  I was around 170 pounds before baby number 4 decided to grace us with his presence.  (yes, number 4…..remember life happened.  number 3 was a difficult miscarriage that drove me to binge eating for comfort)
  • Post baby number 4, I topped out at 200 pounds even!  I no longer worried I was going to hit that magic number, I was just determined to not go OVER it.  lol  Mission accomplished.
  • Nursing helped to boost the weight loss again this time.  I managed to drop about 25 pounds and ended up around 175.  Ho hum, that size 9 seemed like not only a distant memory but like it never happened.
  • Now…. I just tell people I’m working on losing my baby weight.  It’s such a struggle.  When they ask how old is your baby?  I quickly change the subject so I don’t have to tell them he’s actually 11.   Over the course of the last few years I gained all of that weight back and I manage to stay stable at a whopping 210 pounds (on average).  No matter what I try to do to lose weight it goes nowhere.  The good news is, I don’t gain either.  Even when I binge.

So…maybe that wasn’t such a brief overview after all.  I’ve gone from a size 9 to a lovely size 16/18.  Wow…. double me.  Is that anything like the movie Supersize Me?  Seriously, because I’ve never seen it. With my love of Young Living essential oils I went on a quest.  I’m always telling folks “there’s an oil for that!” anytime they complain or share how ill they are.  So why wouldn’t there be an oil for weight loss?  I discovered many sites with many recipes and after discovering more than one that had a ‘similar’ recipe I decided to give it a try.  Citrus oils are key! I had already been drinking citrus fresh in my water for weeks without even giving it a second thought and discovered one day that I was able to get a pair of shorts on that I hadn’t been wearing in over a year.  They were comfy!  Hello!  How did I do that?  Because I’m a pizza junkie.  Must have been the citrus, and I have made a conscious effort to cut back (my goal is to quit) drinking soda.  I know that is my biggest downfall and must go.20140804-105941-39581653.jpg Now, on to the good stuff!!  The recipe!  You’re going to need the following:

  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Lemon Essential Oil
  • Grapefruit Essential Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • empty veggie capsules to make your ‘pills’

It’s liquid gold I’m tellin’ ya!  Your oil ratio needs to be 2:1 for your coconut oil.  For every drop of essential oil you need two drops of coconut oil.  Just so you don’t go mad trying to hold those little suckers while you fill them here’s how you do it…. I got an empty amber bottle to mix my oils and some glass droppers.  Each individual capsule will have 2 drops of peppermint, 2 drops of lemon and 2 drops of grapefruit, as well as 12 drops of coconut oil.  (remember, 2:1 ratio)  So the easiest way to do this, I filled my glass dropper from my oil bottles and then transferred it to the empty bottle.  Two droppers full of peppermint, 2 droppers full of lemon, 2 droppers full of grapefruit.  Cap your bottle and mix.  You don’t have to shake it like a milkshake, just roll it around in your hands.  Then you’re going to get a separate container (I used baby food or canning jars) to put your coconut oil in.  I melt my oil in a double boiler on the stove.  Doesn’t take but just a few seconds and it’s better than microwaving to melt.  This breaks down your coconut oil and it loses some of its benefits. Once you have everything ready to go you simply use one of your glass droppers (I try not to mix mine in different oils), and get started adding oils to your capsules.  Since your oils are already mixed in your amber bottle you’re going to add 6 drops of your mixture to your capsule.  Then you’re going to add 12 drops of the coconut oil with another glass dropper.  Pop on the cap of your capsule and that’s it!!!  Easy peasy!!!  I never really counted but think I made enough for about a month supply.  Don’t worry if you get extra drops here and there.  It’s not an exact science.  I know some of my capsules I ended up with 7 or 8 drops of essential oils which only left me space for about 10-11 drops of coconut oil. 20140804-105943-39583442.jpg I ONLY RECOMMEND USING YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS for these capsules as they are 100% pure therapeutic grade oils and can be safely taken internally.  These three little essential oils are going to be your new best friend.  The peppermint and lemon come in your premium starter kit so you’d already have those on hand if you are a wholesale member.  The grapefruit is very affordable at just $15 for a 15 ml bottle it’s not hard on your budget to give this a try!  If you aren’t already a wholesale member you can find out how to get your own oils HERE, or contact me to purchase them at retail cost. 20140804-105944-39584997.jpg One ‘recipe’ called for taking 1 capsule, once a day with a glass of water.  Another recommended taking 2 capsules per day.  So, ya know, being the go-getter I am, I opted for the 2/day routine.  I only started them a mere 5 days ago and can already tell a difference.  I seriously need to get new batteries for my scale!  I wanna know exactly how good they’re working!!! Grapefruit oil is used to ‘detox’ your fat cells (think of cellulite and smoothing out the bumps!  Yes, it does that too!  There’s even a recipe for a massage oil, we’ll cover that soon! Promise!) and I have noticed several change in my body.  I had a small fatty deposit like spot on my face around my temple.  It resembled a water wart of sorts but I’ve never been able to rid myself of it.  I noticed after only 3 days it’s practically GONE! Another confession….I have fatty tumors in my legs around my upper thighs and hips.  Some of them are large enough they stand out from my skin looking like knots and they can be tender to the touch or if they are bumped.  Guess what?  They are shrinking and are no longer sensitive!  Those two things alone made this all worthwhile to me. And bonus number three, they are actually working for weight loss!  I took a pair of my sister’s designer jeans last time I visited about a month ago, they were a bit snug but I mentioned designer right?  She paid big bucks for them, and I wanted them.  So I took them.  Isn’t that what little sisters are for?  Long tailed shirts can sometimes hide a little bulge and a taught zipper.  😉  Well, they are now LOOSE and I need a belt to wear them!  My waist is whittling away and my hope is that my hips and legs will soon follow suite.  lol After only 5 short days this has made me happy.  I know I need to get into a routine of regular exercise and healthier eating.  Baby steps girls.  Baby steps.  One girl’s story I read said she lost 6 pounds in her first week of just taking one of these capsules a day.  By week two she was down 12 pounds.  I’m excited and hopeful!  I’ll keep you posted of my progress.  Now go make your own little golden capsules!  I’m thinking these things would make Jack give up those magic beans and the golden eggs.  His mother might not have been so upset with him. 20140804-105946-39586647.jpg

64 thoughts on “*UPDATED* Got fat? | Get Grapefruit

  1. I’m a new Young Living Oils customer and am a very slow learner, and I was actually looking for a pretty bedside oil diffuser to use at night.. and somehow stumbled onto your website. Love hearing about the use of citrus oils to help with weight loss. Where do you get your glass oil droppers? Can you just find these at like a Whole Foods place, or at pharmacy of some kind, or at a craft place??.. i’m clueless as to where to get those.. And do you use a separate glass dropper for each oil? or does it matter? Thanks for the encouragement and recipe.. I can’t wait to start.. What is it about the citrus oils that help with weight loss??


    • You can purchase glass droppers just about any craft store (Hobby Lobby for instance), I have picked mine up at a local Amish store, you can also find them in places like Whole Foods I believe or, for those of us living in the middle of nowhere AMAZON is my go to place to get stuff quickly when I want or need it.

      The citrus oils, specifically grapefruit, helps curb cravings and actually induces fat burning. There are some other oils that are great boosters that I intend to post on as well.


      • P.S. I do use separate droppers for the oils and the coconut oil. When putting my individual essential oils in the amber bottle I just allow the bottle stopper to count my drops when mixing, but when transferring the mixed oil to my capsules I use one dropper for that and one for the coconut oil. Hope that makes sense.


      • I’ve seen other recipes online that call for 4 drops of each oil and no carrier oil. Have you tried any other ratios? im starting this tomorrow!


      • Play around and see what works for you! 🙂 I would do the 4 and no carrier without hesitation.


  2. Do these ever leak if you make them ahead of time? I want to start doing this, but if I have to create the capsule each morning I don’t know how crazy I’ll go…


    • On occasion they do, but nothing major. If you get your capsules sealed you shouldn’t have a problem. And I only make about a weeks worth at a time now. I keep them in a glass container in my kitchen cabinet (in the dark).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Renea:

    Just checking on an update. How did this end up working for you? It’s been a little over a year since you posted this “Got fat, get grapefruit”. Just curious how long you took the capsules and what your overall weight loss was.



    • Hi Liz! I’m actually in the process of posting an update and ‘revamping’ my blog. Overall after this original post I lost approximately 20 lbs. Took a little hiatus from my blog due to FDA busy bodies, and actually in the process of a total blog makeover! Stay tuned…..

      Liked by 1 person

  4. How do you store these? And do you make batches at a time? Sounds great.


  5. I am new to oils. Will the coconut oil melt the capsules or re-solidify? I would like to make enough for at least a week at a time. Thank you!!!


    • The coconut oil actually helps keep the essential oils from breaking down the capsules too quickly. If you use fractionated coconut oil it will not solidify. I make about a week’s worth at a time with no problems.


  6. Can this be done without the grapefruit? My niece has high blood pressure and with her meds she cannot have grapefruit. Thoughts??


    • Always check with your doctor first and foremost. Especially with grapefruit and bp. My mother had the same issue and her doctor approved her to do this because the essential oil is taken from the rind of the fruit, not the actual ‘meat’ on the inside that is the grapefruit. Grapefruit oil curbs cravings and actually induces fat burning in the body. However, the peppermint helps with cravings and you could substitute Ginger oil for the grapefruit and give it a try and see how it works. Ginger encourages fat burning and promotes satiation or a feeling of fullness. Please check with her doctor first!


  7. Do you refrigerate or freeze capsules?


  8. Can Jojoba oil be a substitute for coconut oil?


  9. do you freeze them?


  10. Can you sell these?


  11. Hi! I have all these ingredients at home but my question is: if you made a month’s supply, how did you store them?


    • I tend to just make a week at a time now. When I made a month’s supply I did have some that ‘leaked’ but never fully broke down the capsules while stored. I keep them in a glass container (jelly jar recycled) in my kitchen cabinet where it’s dark.


  12. Do you take the capsules in the morning or evening?


  13. Where do you suggest to get the veggie capsules ?


  14. Do you freeze the ones you make or leave them at room temperature? Not sure if they would start to dissolve after a while.


    • I store them in a glass container in my kitchen cabinet. The coconut oil keeps them from breaking down prematurely, however if you make too many some will tend to leak over time. I only make about a week’s worth at a time now. Stored at room temperature.


  15. May I know can I took only the EO without coconut oil?


    • Coconut is actually a natural thermogenic and fat burner. You could take them without it but it may not have the same affect. Also, if your stomach is sensitive to oils without the carrier oil you will want to ‘test the waters’ so to speak by taking a smaller amount to see how you tolerate them. I drink oils in my water as well so there are many ways you could use this combination.


  16. I am totally confused! Can it all be mixed in the amber bottle even the coconut oil and then fill capsules?


    • I mix the essential oils in the amber bottle, I use a separate container for the coconut oil and then combine them when I put them in the capsules. I guess if you were to store extra in the amber bottle I don’t know that it would hurt anything. Just make sure you use the correct ratio. Let me know how it works!


  17. Do you take 2 capsules at one time or do you take it at two different times of the day?


  18. Hi! I am fixing to start this process and wanted to know what your end results were!!? Thank you!!


    • actually replied to someone else with the same question. I took a bit of a hiatus from my blog due to FDA busy bodies. I lost about 20 pounds doing this. I did start again last week and consistently lost 1 lb per day as I took them. Results will vary but it’s been great for me!


  19. Can’t wait to try this!

    Do you know what size capsules you’re using? 18 drops won’t fit in mine. Thought I’d ask before I butility more.


    • The “OO” size are the biggest. But if you have smaller capsules, just ration your drops to fit them and you’ll just have more to take. Make sense? Do half the amount and you’ll have 2 capsules to my 1. Don’t waist what you have or buy more unnecessarily. 🙂


  20. Hi, I am just wondering, how has your weight loss journey been since you posted this post in 2014? Can you give me an update, please? And what is it about the coconut oil in the capsules? When I attempted this recipe in the past I didn’t use any. Though I only took the capsules a few times


    • Actually getting ready to post an update. I took a blog hiatus due to FDA busy bodies. 😉 I lost approx 20 lbs from this. I recently started taking them again and consistently lose about a pound a day. Results will vary but I have good luck with this. The coconut oil is a natural thermogenic and is a fat burner. So if you eliminate it, doubtful it will have the same effect. Coconut milk is also a great fat burner. (not to mix with oils) If you are a protein shake drinker or even to mix it with ice and frozen fruit. Coconut does a body good! 🙂


  21. So do you add the coconut oil to keep the EO from breaking down your capsules that are made ahead? I know coconut oil is good for weight loss but I know EO tend to break down capsules after a very short time. Also, do you still take the oils?


    • Hi Robin! I do take the oils and use EO’s everyday for various things. The coconut oil does act as a carrier oil in the capsules and I only make about a week at a time now. I did have a few that would ‘leak’ but nothing major. I stored them in a glass container in my kitchen cabinet. The coconut is a natural thermogenic so it’s a great fat burner! I can’t imagine our lives without oils in it. 🙂


  22. I made 24 of the capsules last night and most of them melted. I used Young Living Oils and capsules. What am I doing wrong?


    • Did the capsules actually ‘melt’ or did they just leak? Maybe you had some ‘bad’ veggie caps? I do make smaller batches now for convenience and I did have a few leak with larger quantities but nothing major where I couldn’t use them. I make about a week’s worth at a time, you could just make them as you take them. store your oil in that amber bottle and have your glass droppers in them and you should be good to go.


  23. You may have already answered this but I can not seem to see any comments on this article…why do I need to add the coconut oil to the capsules? Thank you, I have all of these oils at home and am going to try!


    • The coconut oil is a natural thermogenic and helps with fat burning! You can usually buy coconut oil at any grocer now, or you can use fractionated coconut oil which is already in liquid form.


  24. Why do you need to use the coconut oil? Wouldn’t the essential oils alone work just as well?


  25. How many capsules do you make at a time? How long do they last? Where did you get the capsules from? I definitely want to do this!


    • I only make about a week’s worth at a time now. I did have some that would ‘leak’ slightly but nothing major. It’s just more convenient for me to make smaller batches now and would recommend others do the same. Or you can make as you take. You can usually get veggie caps from any health food store, GNC, or order online through AMAZON. I purchased at a local Amish store and also get them through my essential oil order. You’ll want size “OO” for this recipe.


  26. I would love to try this but can’t take grapefruit. Do you have another combination I could try.


    • If you have blood pressure issues that prevent you from using grapefruit oil you could try substituting ginger oil. Always check with your doctor first. My mother had the same issue with grapefruit oil and when she discussed it with her doctor was informed that grapefruit oil actually comes from the rind, not the actual fruit and has a different effect. PLEASE CHECK WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN FIRST and someone who is knowledgeable in the field of natural medicine regarding the grapefruit. Safety first. 🙂

      Here is an article with some info on grapefruit oil and WHY it should/shouldn’t be used in certain situations (as well as some other tidbits of info).


  27. Can you use the already fractioned coconut oil? Or maybe avocado oil?


  28. Can you just put the drops of EO and fractionated coconut oil in water and drink it instead?


    • It would be incredibly strong to drink and would quite possibly burn your mouth/throat. I wouldn’t recommend it. If you were taking 1-2 capsules worth that’s 6-12 drops of oil in a drink. Even when I use oils in my water I never put more than 2-3 drops max. This combination in the amounts recommended for the capsules would be a bit much.


  29. Thank you so much for this. I am going to give it a try! Blessings


  30. Thank You so much for the wonderful Info and answering all the questions and even the questions you answered more than once. Did you have any stomach upset issues taking this ? I’m definitely going to try this. I’ll keep you posted Thank You again


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